New look
I came home with a new haircut the other day.
Brett: Mommy, why you're not wearing a hat?
Brett is really starting to pee like a big man: he stands up, takes aim and gets it all over the floor.
Brett spent most of the day Sunday with uncle Jan, out from Toronto, on his way to Poland and other European destinations for the summer. (Jan's wife -- my sister Cindy, however, is in Thailand. The two of them were in Toronto together for a grand total of a couple of months. And now, even though they work for the same company -- Butterfield and Robinson -- she's based in Bangkok while he'll be travelling in Europe. For, like, three months. Yikes!)
Our first Stampede and there's so much we don't know. For instance, jeans, boots and hats are acceptable -- no, expected -- at work for the duration of Stampede (not the Stampede, just Stampede). It's ok to be late for work every day if you've stopped at a Stampede breakfast (which happen all over town and often involve a choice of high-test or low-test orange juice).