Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rock on

Brett has a new love object and it's all my fault.

We went to the river to throw rocks yesterday. As we were leaving I suggested that maybe he wanted to take a rock home. I talked about getting a box for special stuff and putting the rock in it. By the time we got home, he was so attached to his new rock that he decided he was going to sleep with it.

See: all my fault.

So last night, the rock joined his taggie blankie, B pillow, pink and yellow bouncy ball, purple puff ball and water bottle in bed with him: taggie cradled in his arms, rock clenched in his thumb-sucking hand, ball in the other hand, pillow under his head, water bottle beside the pillow. The purple puff ball stays on the other pillow beside him.

At 3:30am a little voice said in my ear, "Mommy, can you help me find my rock?"

4:30am: "Mommy, can you come help me?"

I swear, I'm going to find a special box for that damn rock and throw them both in the river.


Blogger Dread Pirate Robert said...

"Rock" may, in fact, be Milo's first word. Then again, it might be "yuck," which we often say right after he puts a rock in his mouth. For all I know, it's actually "gack" he's saying. Or "truck." I'll stop there.

Nope, not going to Thailand. However, almost as cool, we're going to Costa Rica in December for my sister's wedding. I'm already stressing about the travel hassles. Can I park at Sea-Tac? Should we stay in a hotel? Is there a feasible way wherein we don't have to drive?

And throw the rock in the river, just don't let him see you doing it.

1:52 p.m.  

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