Sunday, April 29, 2007

More signs of spring

The warm days continue here in southern Alberta, even if the nights and mornings are chilly (mere degrees above zero -- tough on the bare toes peeking out of sandals). It's still not warm enough to take the hard top off a jeep, however (right, Randy?)

On my drive to work lately, I see all kinds of baby animals: calves and foals and the occasional prairie dog. The farm animals are safely behind fences, well back from the highway. The prairie dogs are closer to traffic unfortunately, and often end up under it.

Lawns are starting to grow, green finally replacing the winter brown. Leafy green shoots are beginning to poke up out of the dirt. I've seen some crocuses, although not in any of the places I planted them. And any green in my garden already looks like weeds. I have a few watermelon sproutlets growing in little peat pots on the kitchen window sill and at least one flower sproutlet (the zucchini sprouted and then died). I know the growing season doesn't start for at least a month -- I'll be one of those out there on the May long weekend, up to my knees in dirt.


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